
Investigations with Stick insects; School science review, v53. no.104, pp561-563, March 1972.


A Vertical Microprojector; School Science Review pp 966-969.


Electrical Figures (Lichtenberg), The Physics Teacher (U.S.A.) v10. no.8. pp468-469, November 1972.


Electrification from salt water on heated metals; J. Physics D., v5. pp753-755, 1972.


Investigation of a charge-carrying particle from boiling solutions; J. of Electrostatics, v.1. pp 395-397. 1977.


The quest for a charging mechanism to the end of the nineteenth century; J. of Electrostatics. V.3. pp 389-394.


Cloud Photograph – Stratocumulus over Shipley, Derbyshire; Weather v34. no.6. pp228. June 1978.


Cloud Photograph- Shallow Cumulus over Shipley; Weather. V.34. no.7. pp275. July 1979.


Some observations of an unusual crystal growth in sea water; j.Physics D. v.13. ppL7-8. 1980.


Investigations of a reproducible boiling phenomenon with relevance to volcanic lightning. Ph.D. thesis. Open University. 1978.


Charge carrying particles from Leidenfrost boiling – an aspect of saline contact charging: Part 1. Investigation of Leidenfrost phenomenon and my discovery and examination of particles; J. of Electrostatics. V.9. 1980 pp 159-175.


Part 2. The electrical properties of Leidenfrost drops and associated particles.

Pp 177-182.


Volcanic lightning: Weather. V.35. no.12. pp 357-360. 1980.


Saline contact charging and volcanic lightning – 6th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity. UMIST. 1980.


Speculations on natural explosions at Old Hannah’s Cave Staffs., England. National Speleological Society Bulletin (U.S.A.) v.44. pp 11-14. 1982.


Crystalline decrepitation relevant to solute particles from boiling solutions; J. Physics D. v.14. pp1363-1365, 1981.


Electrostatics and its applications, A.W. Bright, Royal Institution Proceedings v.53. 1981. (Professor Bright’s discourse including my research + photograph).


Laboratory work on the processes involved in the production of the maritime aerosol. UMIST. Sept.1978. Private report.


Lawrentian fragments + photographs. J. D.H. Lawrence Society. v.2. Issue 3. 1981.


Teaching Physics;Phys. Bulletin. V.33. 1982.


Solution contact charging. Proceedings Electrostatics 1983; Oxford University, Inst.Physics. Series 66.


Effects of water temperature and NaCl on bubbles; Proceedings Whitecap Workshop, Galway, Ireland. 1983.


Introducing children to electronics in a junior school; School Science Review. V.65. no.231. Dec.1983. (Cover photograph is one of my Lichtenberg Figures found among the effects of the late Professor A.W. Bright.)


Solution contact charging with respect to Earthquake lights; Nature v.307. no.5949. 1984.


Poetry and a novel The Regenerators; published up to 1994.